Luke Hynd. Ähnelt einem Liverpool-Hooligan mit Lady Gaga Perücke, segelt unter dem Radar durch die Line-Ups der Weltmeere und ist in jungen Jahren schon eine absolute Stilikone in Sachen Wellentanz. Typisch für Luke, ist sein neuer Kurzfilm unbemerkt an mir vorbeigeschlittert. Typisch für Luke, ist dieser Kurzfilm aber minutiös und mit viel Liebe zum Detail ausbaldowert. Lohnenswerte 12 Minuten also. 

JB: Mate, dropped an edit like that and didn't even tell me?! The Germans deserve to see you shred.

LH: Riiight - My bad! I'll make sure to check in with you next time... 

JB: Whatever. Talk us through those 12 minutes!

LH: Well... I can’t stand to see a clip with 25 air revs all shot from the same angle. To make a good web clip you have to be passionate about what you’re doing. Without that, you won’t create something you’re truly stoked on. We made our first trip for this in May to Indo. Then we kept our eyes on the maps and kept the ball rolling. Luckily for us, we scored two good winter swells and had enough footage to be happy. We had three waves we wanted to shoot for the making of this project. We wanted contrasting landscapes, so we started with cold and in the snow. Then went to the desert in Australia and ended with Indonesia. 

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JB: In May? That's fairly quick! Any hickups while shooting?

LH: Nah mate, everything ran smoothly - other than a few skunkings and me blowing it when the waves were pumping, the only real problem we ran into was in Desert Australia. We drove around for hours looking for a wave I’d been to before, but I only had a blurry memory of how to get to it, and one photo on my phone. We ended up losing the whole day of waves by the time we found it. Then of course, there’s the anxiety of surfing by yourself while the men in grey suits swim below. Even if the waves were pumping, I was in by 5 pm. Being in the middle of nowhere with no reception while surfing in Great White territory by yourself is pretty darn scary.

JB: Seems like you're just not on their set menu...

LH: For fucks sake - pun of the day right there. Let's end it on that.

JB: Sweet as. Cheers Luke.