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Hi  - my name is Iker Treviño (@fl0wm4st3r) and I am a surfer from the basque country. These past months, I have edited and created all the assets of a video called "Surf Sucks". All the images are taken by my colleague Xabier Beloki (@xabibel). I know that longboarding is not your main target, but I would love to share this with you if you would like to make the launch of it together with me. If you need any other info or any other thing let me know, and on the other hand if you feel it is not the moment for it, at least I hope you can enjoy the video in advance. Cheers, Iker

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Wir haben keine Ahnung, warum der gute Iker meint Longboarding wäre nicht unser Ding? Wie stehen auf alles, was stilvoll übers Wasser gleitet. Und was die Basken hier auf ihren Logs zelebrieren, ist nicht nur sehenswert, sonder macht auch noch extrem gute Laune. Enjoy SURF SUCKS!


Surf Images by @xabibel
Edited by @la.baska
Music Iggy pop - Just for life, live in Manchester