Right as Rain, der neue Clip der Charger Russ Bierke und Darcy Piper erinnert uns an bessere Zeiten in Australien. Viele der isolierten Küstenstriche in South Oz sind inzwischen von den Feuern, die seit Monaten unkontrolliert auf dem Kontinent wüten, verwüstet.

Right As Rain Slab

Surfer Magazine Redakteur Sean Doherty beschreibt das Ausmaß der Katastrophe:

"Since last August it’s been a rolling series of bushfires moving around the country and it’s clear to see why. The place is a tinderbox. Last year was officially the hottest and driest year Australia has ever recorded. [...] There’s no immediate prospect of significant rain, and historically the late summer months of January and February are the most dangerous as the country dries out progressively in the summer heat. The long, hot Australian summer, once a defining part of the carefree national identity, isn’t quite being celebrated that way right now."

Right As Rain Fires Australia

"At the recent Madrid climate conference, Australia actively lobbied to have targets relaxed, despite being amongst the world’s highest per capita carbon emitters. The Australian government is currently facilitating a wholesale expansion of the fossil fuel industry. The Adani coal mine in Queensland. The Equinor oil well in the Great Australian Bight. Gas development pretty much everywhere. Both here in Australia and abroad there’s a feeling that these fires are almost symbolic. Australia has become the poster child for climate change. The world is getting a first look at what the new normal might look like… and it’s happening to one of the countries responsible for driving it."

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Unterstützung für Feuerwehrleute

In Australien wird der Brandschutz überwiegend durch freiwillige Feuerwehren gewährleistet. Diese Woche spenden wir bis zum Australia Day (Sonntag, 26.01.) 100% der Erlöse unserer Yearbooks an die beiden zentralen Feuerwehrverbände der am meisten betroffenen Bundesstaaten, New South Wales und Victoria.

Blue Yearbook

Die Yearbooks 19, 18 und 15 sind noch in unserem Online-Shop erhältlich.

Hier gibt es weitere Informationen zum NSW Rural Fire Service und der Country Fire Authority von Victoria.